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Feb 28, 2022

Like most voiceover folks, Jim McCarthy started out in radio. Over that time Jim voiced and produced literally thousands of ads for almost every type of business from the local smoke shop on up to Coca Cola and Jose Cuervo. Jim has voiced and mostly produced tens of thousands of radio imaging pieces (the stuff you hear between the songs with the cool zaps, swooshes and explosions). Jim has won many awards and has done over 1000 voiceovers since 1996.


00:00 Intro

00:27 If you want to get in touch with Jim - hit him up on IG Handle:@jimmccarthyvos

2:10 Live coaching

04:03 “After 20 some odd years of doing this… I am still learning.” - Jim McCarthy

05:32 Bomb: Subject line to communicate with someone

06:45 Where Jim grew up

11:37 Two types of leaders

16:12 Regrets

18:51 Focus

19:56 Bomb: Marinate your mind in good stuff

24:46 Brad’s content flow

33:20 Hit us up for closer school

33:50 Hit up Jim for voiceovers, content info etc etc!